Our Strategy Begins with YOU!
The term “It’s Not Rocket Science” is often used to describe a situation or process that is less difficult than a person may assume it to be. The Fowler Firm applies that same sentiment to estate planning. For most of us, estate planning does not have to be a complicated, long drawn out process, if you know what you want to do!
When approached by our New Friends for insight, our team begins the conversation by asking them just one question: “What do you want to do?” The answer to this question allows us to formulate a course of action to render positive results. We ask New Friends to forgo their assumptions about estate planning and documents. We implore them to explain what they want to do. Only then can we create the best strategy geared towards giving our New Friend the desired resolution.
Our New Friends are often intelligent and accomplished people in their chosen professions, but are unaware of legal mechanisms of their estates plans. We step in to advise and assist with an action plan. We proceed by ensuring they are informed about current regulations and state mandates applicable to what they want to do. Sometimes our New Friends have estate planning documents that may have been necessary in other states or other times, but are no longer relevant or needed as a Texas resident. We guide them to the knowledge needed for the course of action.
If you would like to have a simple and upfront conversation about your estate planning needs, what you want while you are living and when you pass, consider one of our upbeat and informative no cost presentations by ZOOM or a first consultation at no charge LIVE or by ZOOM. Be prepared for our team to ask you one question: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?
The Fowler Law Firm, PC specializes in helping companies navigate Texas business law. If you are an entrepreneur or business owner who is interested in discussing the specifics of your company, contact Laura Fowler at (512) 441-1411 or lfowler@thefowlerlawfirm.com.
The Fowler Law Firm PC…Not Your Conventional Law Firm®
Schedule a FREE consultation with one of our experienced business and taxation attorneys today.
About your author:
Laura Fowler is the Managing Shareholder of The Fowler Law Firm, PC. She is a regular speaker on topis of Texas Law to many professional, trade and charitable groups.
CLICK HERE to read more about Ms. Fowler