Not being able to see and visit in-person our friends from the many wonderful nonprofit organizations we support has been one of the worst effects of the pandemic. Giving feels great. But giving in a three-dimensional setting where you get to bump elbows or even give a hug to REAL friends feels even better!
The Fowler Law Firm, PC and Fowler Family Foundation have recently participated in several truly remarkable live events with special charities that do so much for our community. Fowler Foundation recently sponsored diversity internships to Preservation Austin to support work by students of architectural history. The nonprofit exists to empower Austinites to shape a more inclusive, resilient, and meaningful community culture through preservation. It has championed efforts to slow down the demolition of historic downtown buildings.
Fowler Family Foundation’s new Executive Director Robert Hoofman and Fowler Law Firm Managing Shareholder Laura Fowler recently visited with Charles Peveto of the Texas Historical Commission at Preservation Austin’s new headquarters – the old Mid Century Moderne building on Red River and 38th Street (pictured above). The Austin Chronicle recently wrote about the nonprofit’s work to save this building and give it purpose, see the full article here.
This last quarter of 2021, every charity we know could sure use the love and support of our community. The Fowler Law Firm PC takes great pride in helping clients to find the joy of giving in a responsible way that protects the givers and their assets.
If you are a generous giver or aspire to be, have you thought about forming a private foundation? Setting up a private family foundation in the spirit of generosity is one of the happiest things you can do, and is often a thrilling experience as well.
Our NO COST first consultation is a great way to get answers so you can find the joy in giving.
The Fowler Law Firm PC…Not Your Conventional Law Firm®
About your authors:
Robert S. Hoofman is the Chief of the Creditor Rights Pactice Section at The Fowler Law Firm, PC. His clients include a diverse group of lenders and financing agents including traditional banks and credit unions, SBA approved lenders with an emphasis on diversity, mortage companies, and even individuals who lend money to loved ones.
Laura Fowler is the Managing Shareholder of The Fowler Law Firm, PC. She is a regular speaker to real estate and business groups and an instructor licensed to teach continuing education courses required by the Texas Real Estate Commission.
About The Fowler Law Firm PC: Attorneys with The Fowler Law Firm PC proudly donate their talents and resources to many area charities and teach courses in Continuing Education. Follow our charitable adventures on our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.